Internal Source at the Judicial Branch in Josephine County explains that Employees will Soon be Fired over Vaccine Mandates

Internal Source at the Judicial Branch in Josephine County explains that Employees will Soon be Fired over Vaccine Mandates

Pictured left to right:  Oregon Chief Justice Martha L. Walters, Preciding Josephine County Circuit Court Judge Robert S. Bain and Josephine County Trial Court Administrator Trina Swaja. Would you like to talk to the local leadership supporting terminations, without...
Business Rights with Open Oregon Founder Larry Sykes – Standing up against Govt. mandates for Businesses

Business Rights with Open Oregon Founder Larry Sykes – Standing up against Govt. mandates for Businesses

Amy Rose from Faith & Freedom interview Larry Sykes, Founder of Open Oregon on Facebook. Learn why Larry started the group, and how he uses the leverage of social networking to support businesses in Oregon during illegal mandates from Governor Kate Brown.   © 2021...

Testimonials from Medford, Oregon Nurses & Hospital Staff 8/25/21 Event WAKE UP Southern Oregon Ep. 5

Testimonials from Medford, Oregon Nurses & Hospital Staff WORKERS RIGHTS WEDNESDAY EVENT: Jackson County / Medford, OR TO STAND WITH Healthcare, Federal, State, School Workers Meet-Up Wednesday AUG-25-2021 4:45PM Prayer Walk 6:00PM Positive Meetup @ Rogue Regional...
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