by Teri Woods | Feb 8, 2022 | All Articles & Events, Business, Communities, Crime & Public Safetu, Crossposted Article, Editorials, Education, Exposed Injustice, Fact Check the News, Government, Local News, Politics, State & National News, Uncategorized
Oregon Health Authority announced that the end to mask mandates, including schools may possibly end on March 31, 2022. This remains to been seen.As of January 28, 2022 the state adopted a “permanent mask mandate” that replaces the temporary rule...
by Teri Woods | Dec 1, 2021 | All Articles & Events, Business, Communities, Crime & Public Safetu, Crossposted Article, Editorials, Education, Events, Exposed Injustice, Fact Check the News, Local News, Politics, Religion, State & National News, Uncategorized
Healthcare workers nationwide can breathe a sigh of relief as a Federal Court places restraints on all states on Tuesday night. Part of the ruling reads as: “If the separation of powers meant anything to the Constitutional framers, it meant that the three...
by M Wallis | Nov 27, 2021 | All Articles & Events, Communities, Events, Government, Local News, Politics, State & National News, Uncategorized
Oregon Health Authority is planning to introduce Digital Vaccine Records, AKA Vaccine Passports, March 8, 2022. Though the OHA only released this information on November 17, the deadline for public comment looms just days away. You have until November 30 to make your...
by Community Contributer | Nov 22, 2021 | All Articles & Events, Communities, Editorials, Politics, Uncategorized
Jackson County Republican Party The actions being taken by the group leading the way for PCPs is doing more for the Republican party in Jackson County than the party itself has been able to muster for a while. I can see that Scott (PCP coordinator) and his...
by M Wallis | Nov 4, 2021 | All Articles & Events, Communities, Politics, Survey, Uncategorized
We want to hear from you! How does Southern Oregon feel about the Republican Party? We’re trying to parse out public sentiment about the ol’ GOP, and we’d love for you to take a minute and participate in this survey. Not a Republican? Not to worry—we still want to...