In a major referendum against the Biden Administrations policies and mandates Virginia turns their state a solid RED down the ticket. Electing Republican conservative, Glenn Youngkin as their new Governor, Winsome Sears as their Lieutenant Governor and Jason...
RALLY WRAP-UP VIDEOSUNDAY, 10/17/2021SHAME ON ASANTE’ Today, Asante’ the corporation and Rogue Regional Medical Center damaged the careers of HUNDREDS of medical workers in Southern Oregon. When the Asante’ board of directors and medical officers...
FORGED HOPE: Shop Talk with Sixkiller Mallory Ep 2 The Dark Wolf, Setting Goals, Mentors & Advice BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Inspired Spirit: Mankind’s Search for Meaning, Inspiration, and Direction by Chris Sixkiller available on Amazon. Join Chris Sixkiller...
Medical Freedom Rally Central Point, Oregon Monday, Oct. 18, 2021 5PM @ Pine & First Street SHARE THIS POST or the YouTube Video on other platforms: Get the Flyer...
MUSICAL PROTEST THIS FRIDAY @ 6:30PM BOGUS POLITICAL ACTION PERMIT ENFORCEMENT Mary & Ryan Introduce a Musical Protest Concert Friday, 10/8/2021 on Vogel Plaza Medford @ 6:30PM. They also key in on bogus political action, protests in public parks and enforcement...
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