New to Home Schooling? Connect with Veteran Home Schoolers & Learn the Ropes
Are you considering home school for your students? Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other home schoolers to share resources, information, and build a strong local community.
Meet-up for Local Parents to Discuss Public School Concerns and Explore Education Options
Come join other concerned parents, educators, and veteran home schoolers to discuss issues in our public schools and explore education options for your student. No registration is required. Please email CPSO7000@gmail.com if you need additional...
What’s Happening in Oregon Schools?
Learn about FAIR at this free online event on Thursday, August 12th. Click HERE to join. No registration...
Eleven-Week Constitution Class in Medford
Explore America’s founding documents and learn your rights in this local Constitution...
Critical Race Theory: An Ideology from Hell
Classic Marxism pitted workers against owner/capitalists. Today’s Critical Race Theory is a neo-Marxist ideology that pits an Oppressor class against so-called oppressed classes.

Local Resident Poised to Launch Lockdown Lawsuit Calls on Community
I started this lawsuit to help Oregonians stand up and take back their lives. I want to see this through, but I’m going to need all of you to stand with me.