Oregon Health Authority Wants to Bypass Parents: Call-to-Action
Oregon Health Authority Seeks to Permanently Adopt Rules to Vaccinate Minors Without Parental Consent. OHA , Public Health Division, is proposing to permanently adopt OAR 333-003-5000 and OAR 333-047-2000, replacing the temporary rules expiring on Nov 22, 2021. These...
Call-to-Action: OSBN Proposes Stripping Unvaccinated Nurses of Their Licenses
On Oct 13, the Oregon State Board of Nursing convenes to consider stripping unvaccinated Oregon nurses of their licenses. The real-life implication of this outrageous Stalinist tactic could result in those nurses having their applications rejected in states where they...
Kate Brown Covid News Conference
Today Kate Brown held a news conference to update Oregonians on the current Covid numbers. The conference went live on Facebook at 11:00 today, Sept. 28, 2021 https://www.facebook.com/fox12oregonAs expected, Kate Brown cherry picked a few local liberal news agencies...
We Are On A Slippery Path
I, unlike many people in the country, am dumbfounded by the unlawful and unconstitutional actions of our country’s leader. If you were to tell me just a few months ago that the leader of the free world was going to dictate what medication to take, whether I should be...
Governor Kate Brown’s Unchecked Emergency Powers & Lack of Transparency
When the State Supreme Court ruled giving Kate Brown unlimited emergency powers she has since refused Article 10 special sessions that would limit her powers in responding to the states Covid crisis. The legislature has refused all attempts to rein her in, holding...
Governor Brown Renders Oregon High School Diplomas Worthless
Governor Brown suspends proficiency requirements for Oregon graduates for the next five years. This week, Kate Brown signed legislation into law suspending proficiency requirements for graduating high school students. Now, Oregon’s graduating seniors are no longer...
* This story is unfolding and will update as more information is available.

What’s Happening in Oregon Schools?
Learn about FAIR at this free online event on Thursday, August 12th. Click HERE to join. No registration...
Measures introduced into the Oregon Legislature in the 2021 Session
Bills submitted for next session 2021: Oregon LegislatureWhat we need to watch and give public input on:HB 3416 Requires Department of Consumer and Business Services to develop and implement program to make return-to-work incentive payments to employees.HCR 34...
Oregon Passes Sanctuary Promise Act – Immigration
OREGON PASSES SANCTUARY PROMISE ACT HB 3265: Relating to immigration; and declaring an emergency 7-19-2021 House Bill 3265 is awaiting the Governor’s signature. This bill prohibits local law enforcement and other public entities from gathering and sharing immigration...
Critical Race Theory: An Ideology from Hell
Classic Marxism pitted workers against owner/capitalists. Today’s Critical Race Theory is a neo-Marxist ideology that pits an Oppressor class against so-called oppressed classes.