Vaccine Passports, Coming To Oregon March 2022. Say No Now.
Oregon Health Authority is planning to introduce Digital Vaccine Records, AKA Vaccine Passports, March 8, 2022. Though the OHA only released this information on November 17, the deadline for public comment looms just days away. You have until November 30 to make your...Oregon Health Authority Wants to Bypass Parents: Call-to-Action
Oregon Health Authority Seeks to Permanently Adopt Rules to Vaccinate Minors Without Parental Consent. OHA , Public Health Division, is proposing to permanently adopt OAR 333-003-5000 and OAR 333-047-2000, replacing the temporary rules expiring on Nov 22, 2021. These...The Need for Compassionate Community Action
In my short time in Oregon, one thing has become abundantly clear: We lack humanitarian resources for the people in and around our communities. The problems don’t seem to go away; where we may clean one community, it seems the problem just moves to the next one down....Kate Brown Covid News Conference
Today Kate Brown held a news conference to update Oregonians on the current Covid numbers. The conference went live on Facebook at 11:00 today, Sept. 28, 2021 expected, Kate Brown cherry picked a few local liberal news agencies...We Are On A Slippery Path
I, unlike many people in the country, am dumbfounded by the unlawful and unconstitutional actions of our country’s leader. If you were to tell me just a few months ago that the leader of the free world was going to dictate what medication to take, whether I should be...Local Resident Poised to Launch Lockdown Lawsuit Calls on Community
I started this lawsuit to help Oregonians stand up and take back their lives. I want to see this through, but I’m going to need all of you to stand with me.